Friday, September 19, 2008


Pretty sure this is what Price has really been working on all these years...

With JD's Bacon Salt you can supposedly make everything taste like bacon with no fat, no calories anndddd it's vegetarian. Weird. It comes in Original, Hickory, and Peppered.

P-Dids, let me know how it tastes!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

New show, same zip code!

You betcha I tuned in to the series premier of the new 90210. Obviously not as good as the original, but we knew that as soon as rumors of the new '0 started. There were a few obvious ties to the old one like Kelly Taylor (now a WBHH guidance counselor) and Brenda Walsh, who shows up in hour #2 (probably going to be the new WBHH drama teacher.)The not so obvious links included Hanna Zuckerman-Vasquez (Andrea and Jesse's daughter, who only made a brief cameo in this episode) and Erin Silver (David and Kelly's half sister.) All and all, I'd say it was a complete waste of 2 hours of my life. But will I tune in again? Duh. Think about all the hours I've "wasted" so far in my life for 90210...let's just say 2 episodes, 5 days a week PLUS 3 episodes every Saturday morning (and that's just the last 2-3 years!) Anyone care to do the math?

If you're really interested (I know you aren't...but if you want to waste time at work or something) you could take the quiz to find out:Which 90210 character are you?

I'm not so sure this is the most accurate quiz, but apparently I'm Mrs. Walsh. That's ok, Mom knew Carol Potter!