Thursday, August 30, 2007

LET'S GO...!!!

HOKIES!!! Ahh college football season is back. I'm heading down to Blacksburg this weekend for the first game, sooo excited but also a little nervous. I'm working on preparing(physically and mentally) for 1) a long day of over indulging in cheap beer, 2) swollen feet (I'll stay away from the turkey leg), 3) all over chaos (enhanced obviously by #1), and 4) the inevitable killer hangover on Sunday. I may not be as old as some of you (no, I won't name names....Banks, Jenne, Price, Bev....), but let's face it, I'm not getting any younger and it's getting tougher and tougher to hang like I did in the good old days. And, last but not least 5) how I'm going to feel being on campus for the first time since April's unimaginable massacre? To put it quite simply, it's going to be weird. Check out this article though: After tragedy, football brings fans together.

You also need to look at this week's posting on TailgateFever for a preseason briefing on this year's team, as well as The Ten Commandments of VT Football.

And so I leave you with one phrase to be repeated as often as possible this weekend...

Gobble Gobble Bitches!


The Boston Blairs said...

GO HOKIES!!! I wish we could come down and join in all the fun. I imagine it will feel different on campus this time, but I love the fact that Beamer-ball brings us all together. Mom and Dad will even be there :) Have fun!

The Boston Blairs said...

Hey Sis -- check out -- a bean bag toss game could be a good addition to any tail gate. Not to mention a potentially great new drinking game. Gobble gobble!

The Girl said...

Yea, I've heard of Tailgate Toss, also heard it called Cornhole...uh but Tailgate Toss sounds so much better. Might be a future investment!