Wednesday, September 26, 2007

25 is the new 15...uhh, wait...

Thanks to everyone for all the great 'Happy Birthday' wishes. I did have a fabulous 25th b-day; I'm so old. Old balls.
Friday night some friends and I hit up Carpool, a local bar down the road and one of our usual watering holes.

Things were a little serious at first...we obviously hadn't had enough Capt&Coke before the HH special ended...

Luckily, Linds broke out her safety patrol vest, which she honorably received as a 'safety lead' (or some BS) at work...

SO we turned it up a notch, BAM! and moved to the ginormous cans...And then (as Kim puts it) we all became camera whores..

(after warm tequila shots...thanks Linds)

Some time in the midst of this I talked to Price and asked for Springsteen's ass print on my concert t-shirt... I think he made that part up, although I'd willingly sport that shirt.

Saturday, Mom came and we spent the afternoon conquering Tyson's Corner mall (again!), then had dinner with Kim & Jason, blew out some candles, and hit the hay.

Linds and I topped off the weekend with dinner Sunday night at Obi Sushi in Reston Town Center. Sooo good.

Good times, thanks everyone :) Next up, BBB Jr.'s b-day East Hundred style in D.C.

1 comment:

The Boston Blairs said...

Nice pictures. I like the tallboy cans! Good thinking. I'm glad to see you're eating more sushi too :)