Wednesday, October 1, 2008

There's a first time for everything...

So, we all know Blairs (at least those from the BBB bloodline, I can't speak for the rest of 'em) have never been much on running... (Note: Price might possibly enjoy it more that the rest of us, but I'm sure that's the Anderson influence.)

BUT, thanks to Susan, I will attempt to run my first race this October, The Goblin Gallop. Granted, it's only a 5k, it's a race none the less and I plan to finish it running! Did I mention I hate running? Oh well, it's for a good cause.

Hopefully, I won't suffer the same fate as Andy from The Office.

I know, mildly inappropriate...


The Boston Blairs said...

You know, Raine, up here I think there's a Wine Race where contestants drink a bottle of wine then run a 5K immediately after. Maybe you should look into a race like that in VA??? Good luck with the race, though, really! It will be fun. Bev and I always contemplate little races, then never end up training or entering. Looks like the BBB influence shines through after all.

Unknown said...

We here in the PNW have also contemplated, but never followed through to date. The BBB influence stretches long and far, usually napping on the couch, keeping us from winning too many races and making the general population too jealous.

Having suffered Andy's fate many times during long runs, I recommend Band-Aids on the nips. They sting a little coming off, but they sure beat the pain of chafed and bleeding nipples.

I fear that I said too much...