Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Veggies Schmeggies

I don't know if it's something in the air? Full moon? Or, maybe it's the recent interaction with all of these pseudo-hippies (**cough**Banks and Jenne**cough**oh yea, and Kim**), BUT as I was cruising the frozen breakfast aisle the other day, I suddenly found myself staring at the Morning Star Breakfast Starters. I'm looking at the sale sign--2/$6.00...contemplating...there is no way these things taste like real sausage (or, 'sahsauge' as Papadopalus would say). I take a few quick glances to my left, to my right, grab the green box, throw it in my cart, and quickly exit the scene.

OMG, you veggies who are buying these Morning Star products are totally being scammed! They look like real meat, taste like real meat, do not smell like real meat (but hey, you could say the same thing for a PEBO burger)...no way these things don't contain animal! A little chewy, but all in all, not bad! Maybe next time I'm feeling adventurous, I'll branch out to something like a **gasp** veggie burger...

1 comment:

The NW Blairs said...

Maybe it's Mandy Moore's new "organic sound" that's got you feeling bold and hippie-like.